Board of Directors

Common Ground Board of Directors


Now seeking applicants for the Co-op's Board of Directors!


Apply for a Board Position


We have 5 seats open for the 2024 Board of Directors elections!


Common Ground's directors play a pivotal role in steering its direction, ensuring adherence to cooperative principles, and representing the diverse interests of its owners.


Running for the Board is a testament to one's dedication to community, cooperative values, and the vision of a sustainable future. It is a chance to make a meaningful impact, contribute expertise, and ensure that the Co-op remains a vibrant and resilient institution for generations to come.


Whether you are a longstanding owner or new to Common Ground, consider stepping forward and running for the Board! Together, we can strengthen our cooperative, uphold its values, and create positive change in our community.


Apply for the Board


Board Meetings 


Join us every second Monday of the month at 6:15 pm for the meeting with our Board of Directors! Board meetings are held at FASS, Inc., 1800 S Oak St, Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820. Meetings will also be streamed on Google Meetup to allow remote attendance for owners, and traveling directors alike. All owners are welcome and encouraged to attend Board meetings! For questions, email All owners are welcome and encouraged to attend Board meetings! For questions, email


Common Ground is governed by an elected Board of Directors. Elected by our Co-op Owners, they meet regularly and report on the state of the Co-op at the Spring Financial Meeting of Owners (Fin MOO) and Annual Meeting of Owners (MOO) every fall. The Board also oversees elections and recommends updates to the bylaws, the legal documents that define and guide the Co-op. Directors must look after the best interests of the Co-op as a whole in a changing business environment. That means that policies and practices at the Co-op may change over time.


Email the Board




Bylaws are the legal documents that define and guide the Co-op. Directors must look after the best interests of the Co-op as a whole in a changing business environment - that means that policies and practices at the Co-op may change over time.




Robert Taylor - President

Board Term (Fall 2021 - Fall 2024)

Calvin Wang - Vice President

Board Term (Fall 2021 - Fall 2024)

Andrew Muller - Treasurer

Board Term (Fall 2023 - Fall 2026)

Morgan Montgomery - Secretary

Board Term (Fall 2022 - 2025)

Jonathan Barnes

Board Term (Fall 2022 - Fall 2024)

Blake Hackler

Board Term (Fall 2022 - Fall 2025)

Mickey Parson

Board Term (Fall 2023 - Fall 2026)


You can always ask in store for a printed copy of the Board's Minutes. Or you can email the board.