
Run for the Board

We have 5 seats open for the 2024 Board of Directors elections! Common Ground's directors play a pivotal role in steering its direction, ensuring adherence to cooperative principles, and representing the diverse interests of its owners.


Running for the Board is a testament to one's dedication to community, cooperative values, and the vision of a sustainable future. It is a chance to make a meaningful impact, contribute expertise, and ensure that the Co-op remains a vibrant and resilient institution for generations to come.


Whether you are a longstanding owner or new to Common Ground, consider stepping forward and running for the Board! Together, we can strengthen our cooperative, uphold its values, and create positive change in our community.


Apply for the Board

2024 Round Up For Good Nominations  


Round Up For Good is a community-funded grant supported by our customers and owners. Each month, a local organization that enriches our community receives donations through customers "Rounding Up" their change at the registers. A little bit at the registers adds up to a lot: we have raised $522,435 for local organizations since 2012!


Every fall, we hold our owner elections where owners vote on Round Up For Good organizations. Any owner can nominate 3 local organizations to be featured on the ballot. Organizations must be in Champaign County and align with Common Grounds Ends.


Nominations begin on July 15th - July 28th! Click the link below to nominate.


Submit your nominations