Round Up For Good

Round Up For Good

What is Round Up For Good?

Round Up For Good is a community-funded grant supported by our customers and owners. Each month, a local organization that enriches our community receives donations through customers “Rounding Up” their change at the registers. A little bit at the register adds up to a lot: we have raised $522,435 for local organizations since 2012! 


The Round Up for Good program began in 2010, following the earthquake in Haiti when Common Ground owners expressed a desire to collectively donate to humanitarian efforts through Common Ground. The Round Up for Good program became so successful that it became a monthly crowd-funding program, highlighting local organizations elected by our owners during our September elections. 


Every May and November, we dedicate donations towards our food accessibility program, Food For All, a program now nationally recognized as Co+op Basics, that provides annual ownership grants and discounts on pantry staples and produce. The other organizations are nominated and voted on by our owners every September. Each nominated organization must submit a specific project proposal in order to appear on the voting ballot. These project proposals will be made public for owners to review during the owner election.


2024 Round Up For Good Schedule

January - Daily Bread Soup Kitchen ($4794.97)

February - Planned Parenthood of Illinois: Champaign Health Center ($5,141.36)

March - RACES (Rape Advocacy, Education & Counseling Services) ($5,230.90)

April - Prairie Rivers Network ($4,815.72)

May - Common Ground's Food For All Program ($4,876.67)

June - Eastern Illinois Foodbank ($4,554.70)

July - The Refugee Center

August - Sola Gratia Farm

September - Immigrant Services of CU

October - Urbana Champaign Books to Prisoners

November - Common Ground's Food For All Program

December - Crisis Nursery


Project Proposals

Previous Yearly Totals


2023 - $54,908.53

2022 - $56,353.45

2021 - $57,807.88

2020 - $45,033.68

2019 - $54,135.69

2018 - $53,613.69

2017 - $56,951.65

2016 - $58,319.31

2015 - $28,263

2014 - $16,493

2013 - $9,373

2012 - $6,324