Our Art Gallery

Our Art Gallery

Featuring Local Artists All Year Long!

Common Ground strives to be the center of a vibrant inclusive community and one that is alive with art.

Our gallery is located in our highly utilized Flatlander Classroom, a space dedicated to connecting the community, facilitating educational opportunities focusing on healthy living, and providing access to local artists. This multi-use space is ideal for integrating the arts into the urban environment and creating partnerships among artists, the community, and businesses.

Featured Art Installation: Brittany Heyen of High In Fiber Rugs

Stop by the Flatlander Classroom & Art Gallery to see the newest local art installation featuring Brittany Heyen. Her artwork will be on display in the Art Gallery from June 3rd - July 29th.



Artist Bio

High in Fiber Rugs are tufted by Brittany Heyen in Urbana, IL with sustainability in mind by sourcing primarily secondhand yarn, saving scraps for future use, and thrifting items to upcycle. Brittany came across rug tufting videos while itching for a hobby, as many people were, in 2021. After seeing enough satisfying videos of people painting with yarn to make their own carpet creations, she did the research and got started. Since then, she has started hosting workshops to invite others to learn and has popped up at over 30 markets and art shows across the Midwest to share the joy of stumbling upon a stack of rug ingredients that form a cheeseburger.


Brittany's early interest in art led her to a creative career, currently as both a fiber artist and freelance graphic designer. Her lifelong interests in food, gardening, and humor have led them to become major themes in her art and design.



Website - highinfiberrugs.square.site

Instagram, Facebook, TikTok - @highinfiber.rugs

Custom rugs and creative inquiries: brittanyheyen@gmail.com


Work is available for sale! Contact artist for more details.




Register for her Punch Needle Workshop on Friday, July 19th!

Make your own food-themed rug magnets from start to finish using punch needle in this workshop led by Brittany Heyen of High in Fiber Rugs. Keep the tools and enough materials to make more at home with your new skill.



Local Food For All Mural

Design by Madelyn Witruk


This project was funded by a 2021 grant from the Urbana Arts and Culture Program and the mural was designed by local artist, Madelyn Witruk. The mural encapsulates images of the local food movement, food access, diversity of Urbana residents, cultural cuisines, and highlights imagery from our local farms, like Blue Moon Farm, Sola Gratia Farm, and Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery. This artwork aims to serve as a celebration of Urbana's uniqueness, including its strong local food system, its vibrant art community, and its warm, inclusive culture.

Call for Local Artist

Show Your Local Art in Our Gallery

We are always looking to install new local artists in our Art Gallery.


Apply to Showcase Your Work