A Word from the General Manager
Hello Cooperators!
September is going to be an extremely busy month for us, and for you, here at the co-op! We have an amazing amount of sales and activities going on just for all of you!
First, is our ever popular Owner Appreciation Days (OAD) which will be held from September 13th through September 19th. In this time frame all Owners will be eligible to get 10% off of any one one order so please make it count! As part of OAD there will again be a special coupon book just for owners that will include a second opportunity for another 10% off shopping trip as well as several other coupons for discounts on our most popular items.
We will also be running a special BUY ONE GET, ONE FREE back to school promotion! Please see our flyer for details!
In conjunction with OAD, and running through the end of October, we will again be hosting a new owner drive. Our new owners will receive a valuable introductory product pack and if referred to us by a current owner then the referring owner will also receive a product pack as well as an additional $10 in Radish Rewards!
Also, coming up in September we will have our annual board elections where you get to vote on who will represent you on our Board of Directors and get to choose our 10 Round-up recipients for 2024!
Voting will conclude at our Annual Meeting of Owners on September 14th and will be held in person from 6-8pm at Cloud Mountain Kombucha located here in Lincoln Square Mall. There will be a free taco bar, drinks (kombucha, beer & wine, cocktails), a local farmer panel, Co-op presentations, free t-shirts, and socializing. All owners and staff are encouraged to attend, but you must RSVP.
As you can see this is a very active and important month for us! Please come and support your local farmers, producers, community and staff here at the Coop!
Take care,