A Word from the Board of Directors

- Calvin Wang

Indian Street Food Pav Bhaji Pop-Up


I had the blessing to attend the Indian Street Food Pav Bhaji Pop-up this past month. Our Flatlander Classroom was transformed that day into a street food oasis. Upon entering, I was greeted with an incredible fragrance originating from the spices used in the Pav Bhaji.  Taking the served up dish to the tables outside, I sat down to enjoy a new food experience. The taste was amazing. I tasted bright, vibrant vegetables in a beautiful simmered sauce all flavorfully spiced. It was served with rolls that did a great job absorbing and being an eating vessel. All in all, a great experience, and I look forward to the next Pop-up! For those curious here’s an excerpt about the History of Pav Bhaji:


Pav Bhaji became a popular street food in Bombay (Mumbai) in the 1860s in order to feed hungry Indian textile workers who were working around the clock to process cotton for a global market. With the New Orleans port blockaded during the American Civil War, Bombay became the main source for cotton textiles and experienced a great trade boom. While this dish is seen as a historic Indian staple, all the ingredients except the spices were brought to India by colonial influences from the Portuguese, British, and other trade connections. Pav Bhaji serves as a powerful example of the strength and adaptability of the people of (Bombay) Mumbai. Blending these foreign and colonial ingredients into a delicious and popular recipe helped feed hundreds of mill workers and gave people sustenance during a time of significant change during Bombay’s industrial revolution. More than a hundred years later, it is still one of the most popular Mumbai street foods.


Credit to Indian Cuisine History: @_masalalab and Sirisha Bhandaru: @mycravesandraves



