2022 Board of Directors Elections
We made it through the first six months of the year and July is here! That means it is time for us to open our annual application process for the Board of Directors election. This year we will have four director spots up for election. JP Goguen, Madeleine Wolske, and Jon Barnes' terms are expiring so they will be up for re-election, and we currently have one open position.
We continue to be in very tumultuous times. We are seeing record inflation on so many things, including food. I don't think any of us can say we haven't noticed the total at the register being higher than ever. So much of this is out of our individual or even community control, but that cannot stop us from coming up with new (or old) ideas to help where we can. This is exactly what the Board hopes to really focus on, not only starting now but also in the next Board year.
Serving on the Co-op Board takes work. This is not just a position where we show up for two hours each month for the official meeting. It is not easy to make a difference. And that is exactly why we need you! The board has been short members every year since I joined. I in fact joined first as an appointee for a vacancy before being an elected member. I am now ending my third year on the board with two more in my term. I am excited as are the rest of the Directors on welcoming new members and propelling our Co-op even further than where we already stand.
Will you join us? Do you have the passion to not just think of the Co-op as a grocery store but instead as a pillar of the community? Do you want to help make change in our local food network? What are you waiting for? Come join a group of dedicated people that serve with me on the board and the amazing staff we have in our store. Experience is not necessary, but passion is.
Have questions before you apply? Please email the board at board@commonground.coop or join an information session on July 11th or August 8th in the Flatlander classroom in the store. Applications are open through August 14th and candidates will then be announced on September 1st. Elections are held in September and close at the end of the day of our Meeting of Owners (MOO). New board members are then seated at our October 10th Board meeting.
Wishing everyone a great summer!